Blog (English)

Tapas-heat and refining

Tapas-heat and refining

According to Vedic astrology; jyotish, Saturn has had a strong influence since spring 2020, while Jupiter (its opposite) has for the most time been weakened. Thus, in total for about 1.5 years. What has this time tried to teach us? Saturn stands for responsibility, authority, stability and boundaries. Its shadow side is pessimism, cowardice, the…

Together in love

It is said in the Tantric tradition that “The Source” contains all the potentiality possible. It is also said that the purpose of the manifestation is to make the great consciousness aware of itself. In other words, a self-reflective process. Consciousness is referred to here as prakasha (the great light) and the reflection process as…

Mantra virya

The classic Tantric tradition referred to itself as the mantra marga (the way of mantra). They believed that the mantra provided a much faster path to liberation. The reason for this can be found in their thoughts about what a mantra, and not only a mantra, but also what a word, is. They had realised…

Living your dharma

Living your dharma

Psychoanalysis talks about sublimating traumas. This means allowing our lives to take the direction of working with our traumas. We often choose jobs and engagements that are linked to our traumas. If this is done unconsciously, it is called repetition compulsion, and leads to actions that forces us to repeat our original trauma time and…

Conscious creation

Conscious creation

Kundalini is the process of bringing back the energy that is confined into forms back to its infinite, shapeless state of energy and potentiality, and then back into manifestation. According to the Tantric cosmology, this act of creation is constantly going on. Unlike the Big Bang theory, it is an ongoing now. The difference between…

Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra

What happens when contraction and expansion take place at the same time? Perhaps it is these circumstances that can create something truly new. A contraction to a nothing/ a small still point of concentrated energy, and then an explosion into a new creation. The Tantric tradition speaks of prakasha and vimarsha. Prakasha is the unmanifest…



Have you also spent most of 2020, and continued into 2021 thinking about whether to focus more on your own needs or that of others? We seem to be at a time when we are being pressured to find a balance between our own needs and those of others. Balances of power need to be…



Shunya is the yogic term for abyss. This condition is the part of a natural cycle that is between the completion of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one. This place has no characteristics. It lacks characteristics and can be experienced as a void, an infinite space or a dark depth. This is…